Volunteers needed to transport, groom, play with, and foster bunnies. Please contact BWF if you have time to spare for the bunnies! |
Foster a Bunny!Please sign up to be a foster and help us socialize our buns so they can get proper homes! |
Sponsor a Bunny!Donate directly to a specific bun on Petfinder! Just click on the bunny you want to sponsor and click the "Sponsor Me" button. |
ANIMALS ARE DYING AT SANTEE ALLEY! Please help us combat animal cruelty in the Los Angeles Fashion District. |
Sara started out as a volunteer, and has helped immensely with all sorts of endeavors for Bunny World. Her family was introduced to Bunny World in 2013, and she reentered into the community after Covid. Sara has 4 rabbits of her own (3 of whom are BWF buns!) and focuses her goals on advocating for proper bunny care and support, as well as macro work for both rabbits and people. She is in Graduate school to obtain her MSW and works alongside the elderly population in order to ensure proper care and treatment for the underprivileged aging community.