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BWF Featured in LA Times: A Rabbit Rescue in Downtown L.A.

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By Carla Hall

The bunnies sat in stacked cages on the downtown sidewalk. They nibbled on lettuce as passers-by stopped to pet them. How much? A young woman cheerfully named her price. ($20 is the going rate.)

"No photographs," she said, passing a hand in front of a rabbit as a photographer snapped pictures.

Click here to read full story.

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Reader Comments (4)

My daughter fell in love with and talked me into getting an adorable tiny, tiny baby bunny. I only wish we were aware of this situation. After getting all the supplies and even taking bunny to vet to get advise the baby died a few days later. My daughter is heartbroken. The vet wasn't even aware of this going on. So very sad.

September 11, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSad about bunny cruelty.

great post


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