Help BWF STOP a Horrific Rabbit Breeding Operation in the City of Los Angeles.

Volunteers needed to transport, groom, play with, and foster bunnies. Please contact BWF if you have time to spare for the bunnies! |
Sponsor a Bunny!![]() Donate directly to a specific bun on Petfinder! Just click on the bunny you want to sponsor and click the "Sponsor Me" button. |
ANIMALS ARE DYING AT SANTEE ALLEY! Please help us combat animal cruelty in the Los Angeles Fashion District. |
SB 917 (LIEU): “…This bill would revise the punishment for this offense to provide that it is punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, or in the state prison, or by a fine of not more than $20,000, or by both that fine and imprisonment.” “…that it shall be a crime, punishable as specified, for any person to willfully sell or give away as part of a commercial. transaction, a live animal on any street, highway, public right-of-way, parking lot, carnival, or boardwalk, or to display or offer for sale, or display or offer to give away as part of a commercial transaction, a live animal if the act of selling or giving away the live animal is to occur on any street, highway, public right-of-way, parking lot, carnival, or boardwalk.”
“Animal abuse is generally divided into two main categories: Animal cruelty, and animal neglect,” Lieu said. “Animal cruelty usually refers to a single act of harm on an animal. Animal neglect usually causes suffering that’s more extended or prolonged. Whether an animal is tortured or starved, too often the result is death. Either way, it’s a horrible way to die, and the penalties should be consistent.”
Along with other illegal sales that go on there, Santee Alley is the city's number one haven for illegal animal sales. Baby bunnies, turtles, birds, puppies and kittens are sold illegally on a daily basis. Animals are kept in filthy conditions, in the glaring sun with no food or water. Many of these animals are sick or dying when they are sold. These activities clearly violate several City codes and often other statutes as well.
The Department of Animal Services, the LAPD and the City Attorney have periodically tried to bust violators at Santee, but without a concerted commitment from City Hall and the County court system to provide the necessary support and resources, these crack-downs uickly deteriorate into a repetitive game of hide-and-seek. The perpetrators disappear for a few days and then come back like nothing is amiss.
CLICK HERE to join BWF and PETA to stop the use of Avitrol.
Governor Schwarzenegger has vetoed AB 241, AB 243, and AB 1122. All three bills could have criminalized the lawful activities of breeders and pet owners throughout California. Click here for the full story.
Support AB1122 Bill / End Roadside Sales of Animals
BWF is seeking help to generate support for AB1122 the bill that will ban the sale of animals on roadsides, parking lots, and carnivals. Here is a link to the language of the bill.
Below is a list of people that letters of support should be sent to and a sample letter. Activists should feel free to add in their own comments and personal experiences, but its perfectly o.k. just to copy and send the sample letter. We have included a sample letter that focuses on rabbits as well as sample letter that focuses on birds. Again activists are welcome to combine facts from both letters.