Help BWF STOP a Horrific Rabbit Breeding Operation in the City of Los Angeles.

BWF has requested that the Los Angeles Mayor’s Office intervene in the horrific breeding situation in Van Nuys/Sherman Oaks, CA (video below). To read BWF Letter and Report, please CLICK HERE. We will keep you updated on their response.
If you would like to send an e-mail to the Mayor's Office, please CLICK HERE for the MS Word Version of the Template. Please CC Bunny World Foundation –
To: Mayor Eric Garcetti,
Re: Los Angeles 127 Rabbit Breeder Case, Sherman Oaks, CA
Office of Mayor Eric Garcetti
200 N. Spring St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 978-0600
Re: Los Angeles 127 Rabbit Breeder Case, Sherman Oaks, CA
Video of Investigation:
We are formally requesting that our Mayor and his officials intervene in the Los Angeles 127 Rabbit Breeder Case at [address redacted]. The public has received multiple conflicting and even false reports given by the Los Angeles Animal Services (LAAS) General Manager, Brenda Barnette. LAAS is stonewalling this case which has enough evidentiary documentation to be classified as an animal abuse case under California's Penal Code 597 PC. LAAS has further violated the Hayden Act by euthanizing one rabbit despite a petition from BWF to take in ALL rabbits from the breeder's case, ill or healthy. The LAAS gross mismanagement of this case has harmed and continues to harm animals, animal lovers, and LAAS’ own reputation. The acts of LAAS in covering up, and even more egregiously, destroying evidence betray both their mission and the trust of the people and animals they’re sworn to protect.
The manner in which LAAS has mismanaged this overt criminal display of animal cruelty, neglect and abuse is an embarrassment to, and an indictment on, the great City of Los Angeles. There is clear, convincing and uncontroverted evidence that information was not only contradicted, but also handled by LAAS with cavalier and unconscionable levels of unprofessionalism. The mission of LAAS is “to promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of animals and people in our city.” LAAS failed to do this for 127 rabbits. LAAS has not only a fiduciary responsibility to the City of Los Angeles, but a moral obligation to the City and its animals and citizens. We the public do not find it acceptable to be deceived and blatantly lied to.
The Los Angeles taxpayers expect to be treated with respect and dignity by the appointed officials of Los Angeles. Since LAAS has demonstrated that they are incapable of doing so, we are requesting the Mayor's Office review the attached data regarding the Los Angeles 127 Rabbit Breeder Case, Sherman Oaks, CA. Many of the rabbits that have not been destroyed by LAAS, or the breeder, need to be rescued at the breeder’s premises immediately. It is our understanding the relocation of the breeder, [name redacted], is imminent (and he may have already moved) and the immediate rescue of the remaining rabbits, as well as, criminal investigation of this case remains extremely urgent. A lack of action on your part will lead to countless acts of animal cruelty (including death) by these breeders and continued gross and unconscionable mismanagement by LAAS in an effort to cover up, what amounts to complicity, by LAAS.
Your anticipated time and dedication to this case is greatly appreciated. Please confirm the receipt.
[Your Signature]
You may also send an email to Brenda F. Barnette, General Manager of Los Angeles Animal Services (LAAS), and ask for the WHEREABOUTS of the 25 MISSING RABBITS and demand the RESCUE of the REMAINING FORTY RABBITS from this abusive and neglectful breeder. Please CC Bunny World Foundation on your email –
To: Brenda Barnette,
Re: Los Angeles 127 Rabbit Breeder Case, Sherman Oaks, CA
Dear Brenda:
The public has received multiple conflicting and even false reports given by the Los Angeles Animal Services (LAAS). LAAS is stonewalling this case which has enough evidentiary documentation to be classified as an animal abuse case under California's Penal Code 597 PC. LAAS has further violated the Hayden Act by euthanizing one rabbit despite a petition from BWF to take in ALL rabbits from the breeder's case, ill or healthy. The LAAS mismanagement of this case has harmed and continues to harm animals, animal lovers, and LAAS’ own reputation. The acts of LAAS in covering up, and even more egregiously, destroying evidence betray both their mission and the trust of the people and animals they’re sworn to protect.
The manner in which LAAS has mismanaged this overt criminal display of animal cruelty, neglect and abuse is an embarrassment to, and an indictment on, the great City of Los Angeles. There is clear, convincing and uncontroverted evidence that information was not only contradicted but also handled by LAAS with cavelier and unconsciounable levels of unprofessionalism. The mission of LAAS is “to promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of animals and people in our city.” LAAS failed to do this for 127 rabbits. LAAS has not only a fiduciary responsibility to the City of Los Angeles, but a moral obligation to the City and its animals and citizens. We the public do not find it acceptable to be deceived and blatantly lied to.
The Los Angeles taxpayers expect to be treated with respect and dignity by the appointed officials of Los Angeles. Many of the rabbits that have not been destroyed by LAAS, or the breeder, need to be rescued at the breeder's premises immediately. It is our understanding the relocation of the breeder, [redacted] is imminent (and he may have already moved) and the immediate rescue of the remaining rabbits, as well as, criminal investigation of this case remains extremely urgent. A lack of action on your part will lead to countless acts of animal cruelty (including death) by these breeders and continued gross and unconscionable mismanagement by LAAS in an effort to cover up, what amounts to complicity, by LAAS.
Where are the missing 25 rabbits and why are the remaining 40 left wtih this abusive and neglectful breeder?
[Your signature]
“The rabbits are fine where they are right now.” ~Brenda F. Barnette, G.M. LAAS,
April 2, 2014
April 7, 2014
April 10, 2014
April 9, 2014
April 10, 2014
March 24, 2014
Los Angeles Animal Services
Administrative Office
221 N. Figueroa Street, 5th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(888) 452-7381
Board of Animal Services Commissioners:
DAVID ZAFT, President
Attorney, Caldwell Leslie & Proctor
ALANA YANEZ, Vice President
L.A. Manager, Humane Society’s Pets for Life Program
Executive Director, Jason Debus Heigl Foundation
Executive Director, Coalition for Economic Survival
Television Writer, Producer and Screenwriter
Dear LA Animal Services Board of Animal Services Commissioners:
According to the USDA 2002 report, 5 million rabbits occupied 2.2 million US homes as pets. In the lapse of 12 years, it is without a doubt that number has risen bringing a higher awareness to society of the need to protect and defend rabbits with the same rights and legislation as dogs and cats.
As you are aware, there are many non-profit rescue groups that have evolved as a response to the growing care, need and protection of rabbits. Specifically, non-profit rescues in Los Angeles must undergo strict guidelines in adoption process, screening for adoption, providing appropriate food, shelter and health care for the rabbits, in addition to educating the public. However, there is evidence to prove that for-profit rabbit breeders are not held under the same scrutiny as rescues (see Case #1). These unregulated for-profit breeders are burdening and inundating the rescues, shelters and public as a whole. Not only is this a double standard for the non-profit rescues in comparison to the for-profit breeders- but an irresponsible practice that increases the incidences of animal abuse, abandonment and neglect as defined by California's Penal Code 597 PC. It is our understanding that the LA Animal Services has strong convictions against such animal abuse as outlined by the Animal Cruelty Task Force:
"Animal cruelty is one of the more destructive ills in society; often linked with sociopathic behavior, cruel and abusive behavior toward animals reflects a severe lack of moral responsibility and social conscience. It can be inflicted in a wide variety of ways and can be rooted in a variety of causes. In turn, this disturbing and malicious behavior gravely infects and poisons our social fabric. Animal cruelty is sometimes linked with other criminal behavior, such as gang activity, drugs, and violent anti-social behavior. Research has shown that people who behave cruelly toward animals are more likely to behave similarly toward humans."
Case #1: Los Angeles 127 Rabbit Breeder Case, Sherman Oaks, CA
Bunny World Foundation was contacted recently to assist a backyard for-profit breeder, CW, in placing 57 rabbits that were housed in their own fecal matter, improper shelters, many of whom were ill. The breeder not only divulged that he could not control the population and care, but further informed Bunny World Foundation that a fellow backyard breeder's solution to population control is to free the live rabbit into a pack of her own personal dogs where the rabbit was dismembered and eaten alive. Due to this cruel and torturous practice, this particular for-profit breeder sought two resources. First, he called Animal Control who visited the location and verbalized the overwhelming circumstances of the breeders condition in which they can be of no assistance. Second, this breeder then contacted Bunny World Foundation for assistance since he could not bring himself to proceed forward with the "population solution" of his fellow for-profit breeder. Not only is this case clear evidence that regulations are needed; moreover, it is evidence that our own Animal Control system cannot accommodate such high levels at once. This is only ONE breeder. The non-profit rescues are mostly volunteer based who have no expendable income to meet such a demand.
We would strongly urge the LA Animal Services Board of Animal Service Commissioners to be justified in the practices for non-profit rescues and for-profit breeders to undergo an equalized responsibility to the public, animal services, and the City of Los Angeles. We recommend the following actions:
1) For-profit breeders must spay/neuter ANY rabbit that is being sold as pets. Rabbit sales must be tracked and available for potential audits. Failure to spay/neuter any rabbit sold as a pet must be penalized with set fine and suspension of practice. This practice will mirror the current practices and scrutiny that is held accountable for the non-profit rabbit rescues.
2) In review of the "Other" classification in the LA Animal Services website, rabbits occupy 70% of the 22 pages of animals up for adoption. We propose that the LA Animal Service remove rabbits as "Other" and classify them accordingly as "Rabbits" in order to keep a thorough ongoing tracking for the public and the LA Animal Services database. Currently, there is 17 pages of cats up for adoption. Rabbits fall right below that number.
3) Red alerts that are warranted and granted for dogs and cats should also be warranted and granted to rabbits. This would allow the rescue of further rabbits to ensue and minimize the number of unnecessary euthanasia.
As the mission of the LA Animal Services is "to promote and protect the health, safety, and welfare of animals and people in our city" -- it is without a doubt that our recommendations to the LA Animal Services falls within the mission set forth. Your consideration and actions are vital in ensuing responsible actions for the public, rabbits and the City of Los Angeles.
In Closing,
Bunny World Foundation
Reader Comments (4)
What is being allowed to happen to these rabbits is inexcusable, and Brenda Barnette refuses to do anything at all to help these poor rabbits. They are being kept in the worst conditions possible and Brenda still refuses to take these rabbits from the illegal breeder in Sherman Oaks. Many of the rabbits are sick as well as having bad infections, living outside in the weather in tiny cages that are rusted, full of feces and urin and forced to live in these sickening conditions. Does Brenda think that if nothing is done and these rabbits aren't taken and given to a rabbit rescue that somehow the lives of these rabbits will magically become perfect. No it won't, and Brenda doesn't care about what happens to these poor rabbits. I urge you, please contact bunny world foundation and also watch the video that these poor rabbits are being made to live in, please
Sincerely: Michael O'Leary
that is appalling and a disgrace to humanity Brenda Barnette needs to get a reality check and react humanely towards this situation and any cruel act towards an animal.
Brenda the world is watching and needs to see you do the right thing or at the very least the community around you gets physical and serious about your position of power. You are in a position to change this or just maybe you need to BE move on and allow a compassionate loving human being to do a job this important....
Please stop this cruelty now. There are tons of other options. Let's take responsibility better, stop passing the buck and let's do something positive for our country without it having to be all about money. I thought we as a country were built on morals.
Please stop this blatant abuse .. Just disgusting