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Help Us!

Volunteers needed to transport, groom, play with, and foster bunnies.  Please contact BWF if you have time to spare for the bunnies!

Foster a Bunny!

Please sign up to be a foster and help us socialize our buns so they can get proper homes!  

Sponsor a Bunny! 

Donate directly to a specific bun on Petfinder! Just click on the bunny you want to sponsor and click the "Sponsor Me" button.

Support Through Advocacy

ANIMALS ARE DYING AT SANTEE ALLEY! Please help us combat animal cruelty in the Los Angeles Fashion District.

« Time running out for Easter bunnies in squalid LA breeding facility | Main | December 2013 Newsletter: Hoppy Holidays and Guilty Verdict for Illegal Animal Traffickers »

Give Sombunny Love for Valentine's Day!

Dear Friend,
This past December you helped us put the illegal animal traffickers from Santee Alley, LA Fashion District behind bars, and because of your support, the sales have stopped. If you missed our December Newsletter, please CLICK HERE.  At least for now, the traffickers are at bay… let’s hope it stays that way for a very long time! 
However, we still have many Santee Alley babies that need homes and medical attention, and since it’s the Season of Love, we’re hoping you’ll find it in your heart to help these bunnies in need this Valentine's Day! Can we count on your generous donation today to help us pay the medical bills for our bunny rescues in desperate need of medical treatment and spay and neuter surgeries?  Will you help us today so we can save lives and help put an end to pet overpopulation?
With all this LOVE in the air, we here at Bunny World Foundation are asking you to consider our Urgent Care bunnies and their medical needs.   Flowers wilt, chocolates pack on the pounds, so why not adopt, foster, sponsor or make a donation in honor of your hunnybunny valentine? Now THAT is a real gift of love!

Please make a donation today and help our Urgent Care bunnies! 
Your tax deductible donation will make a positive difference and help save lives!

Thank you for your support and Happy Valentine's Day from all of us at Bunny World Foundation!  May you be blessed with happiness, love, health, and prosperity.

 With lots of love,
 ~Bunny World Foundation Family